The QDS Blog

We are students of the industries and customers we serve, and we use our ongoing observations and experiences to create educational blog articles that educate and empower our readers.

Blog Feature

Cash Automation

By: Sean Farrell
August 2nd, 2016

One of the biggest challenges financial institutions face is executing teller transactions most effectively.. This may involve anything from utilizing universal staffing, to adding automation technology to an existing teller line, or implementing a solution geared to better handling of commercial deposits. Time and time again the challenge of the “people” part of banking rises to the top of the priority list.

Blog Feature

Cash Automation | Branch Transformation

By: Sean Farrell
June 29th, 2016

We recently sat down with Suzanne Arno of the Maclean Group to get her perspective on branch transformation and how to align staffing and technology to allow a financial institution to deliver their unique customer experience. The first order of business was to clarify that the branch of the future is really the bank of right now and institutions must stay aligned with the needs of the consumer to stay viable.

ATM Install Checklist 2019

ATM Install Checklist

This ATM checklist will dive into how to prepare when purchasing ATMs, best practices for preparing and installations. Subscribe to the QDS blog and get your free copy.

Blog Feature

Branch Transformation | Customer Service

By: Sean Farrell
May 16th, 2016

"The more things change, the more they stay the same". That is one of my favorite quotes. I think it's because it speaks more to the heart of human nature than most things that people have the desire to be around like minded people.

Blog Feature

Cash Automation

By: Sean Farrell
May 4th, 2016

Personally, I have a lot of respect for what Arca has been able to build. A relatively unknown player in the market just 10 years ago, the company has launched itself into a global brand in the cash handling device market. To me, they portray themselves well as the “cool kids on the cash automation block” and have seen tremendous growth over the last 3-4 years after a strong pivot in their sales methodology. Their most recent innovation, the CM-18 Solo, a personal cash recycler, is an intriguing iteration that I wanted to explore.

Blog Feature

Cash Automation | Service

By: Sean Farrell
April 13th, 2016

So you have made the smart decision to invest in cash automation and are now directing your thoughts towards the installation. Installs can be scary. There is new equipment and technology to learn along with new procedures and combinations to remember. While this can seem like a daunting task, you, too, can have a successful installation with the proper pre-planning and by arming yourself with the right information to guide you through the process.

Blog Feature

Branch Transformation

By: Sean Farrell
April 11th, 2016

Automation Avenue 013 – Creating a Great Branch Experience with Suzanne Arno - The Maclean Group In this podcast we dive into the key factors of making the experience in the branch a memorable one for your clients. We discuss the topics of staffing, design, and technology to make the new branch model successful.