Top 4 Reasons to Implement Teller Cash Recyclers (TCRs)
One of the technologies that continues to gain traction in the US market is Teller Cash Recyclers (TCRs). Prized for their security and efficiency,...
From the Perspective of a Former Branch Operations Executive
As the person in charge of branch operations, one of your goals may be branch automation by way of implementing teller cash recyclers (TCR) on your teller lines. However, before you are given the green light to purchase, you have also been tasked with providing the justification for the investment. Why should it be implemented? What are the benefits, cost savings, and operational improvements you will see with the implementation? So, from my perspective as a former branch operations leader, I am here to answer the looming “why” question.
As branch operations leaders, whether you are a VP, AVP, Director, Manager, or even Supervisor, the biggest challenge for us was always explaining the “why”. The argument/challenge I always heard was, “why should we as an organization invest in this technology and cost of integration with our teller application, when we have perfectly good staff that is already doing what the machine can do?” While this is true, the TCR provides many more benefits than just processing deposits and withdrawals. And in order to understand that you need to truly understand teller operations as a whole.
Many within the organization who are not intimately involved with teller line operations do not know that besides the deposit and withdrawal process there are many other tasks that are handled behind the line. Just to name a few, they are: vault buys and sells, auditing, balancing, error research (both transactional and customer), and let’s not forget two of the most important: gaining additional products/services from existing customers and customer interaction. A TCR can assist in making all of these things easier for everyone within the branch and can have a profound impact on operational efficiencies and the bottom line of branch performance.
So now that we have addressed the why, it’s time to focus on the how and the best advice that I can give you is to do your research to make sure that the effectiveness of the TCR is in line with what you are trying to accomplish. An important part of this research should include input from the frontline staff to understand what the recycler can do to help them be more efficient. Besides deposits and withdrawals capabilities, you should understand the recycler’s capacity. You should also know the differentiating features it may have that can address some of the items listed above to help staff be more efficient, and accomplish other things. Ask questions and above all ask to see the TCR in person so you can see how it works and get a sense of how will impact your day to day to operations.
Finally, once you have chosen a solution, remember don’t take the “set and forget it” mentality. The TCR is only part of the solution and maybe the simplest part. The installation and training portion of the solution can make or break the success of the machine. The best path to success is a training program that focuses on both the technical aspect of the machine and how it will impact your operational processes. Proper training will provide you the guidance and tools to modify your day to day operational tasks or procedures to be sure that they can still be completed efficiently and effectively. Implementing a solution without proper training can lead to frustration of front line staff, distrust of the machine, and eventually the non-use of the machine.
Being tasked with building this level of branch automation solution does not have to be hard, just remember:
Ask the WHY
One of the technologies that continues to gain traction in the US market is Teller Cash Recyclers (TCRs). Prized for their security and efficiency,...
One of the biggest challenges financial institutions face is executing teller transactions most effectively.. This may involve anything from...
As they look to allocate funds, many financial institutions are structuring their budgets to include investments that will improve their business....