3 Factors More Important Than Number of Technicians in Contract Performance
One of the most common questions we get as we talk to clients about servicing their equipment is how many technicians we have in the area.This is a...
Don’t you love when you call a business and you get the automated message to press a certain department or extension number just to get another message to narrow down your choice . Finally, you think you might actually speak to someone and the message plays. That attendant is busy. Please call back. What???
I so hate calling my pharmacy, doctor’s office or movie theatre just to get the automation maze. I’m a nice person! Why don’t you want to talk to me? I’m glad they are not recording my end of the conversation. I’m usually talking back and venting my frustration of not feeling important. It drives me crazy!
In today’s world of automation, our expectation is that we will get a recorded message when we call a business. Who sets these expectations? I think we have gotten away from a crucial part of customer service. We seemed to have lost that “personal touch” that I feel is so important to have. Great customer service has to be human to human interaction. Thats why, for us, service is a commitment and not a department.
We believe our customers are our business. We want to talk with them and have a conversation. We have a genuine live voice on the phone when you call us. That’s me! You do not have to press 1. You will not get that annoying voice that says you have been transferred to an automated attendant. You do not have to listen closely to our list of options, because they may have changed.
That first impression of your organization is generally who answers your telephone. How refreshing it is when you get a “live” friendly person on the receiving end? It reassures your client that you feel their relationship with your company is important and that they actually want to talk to you! That business wants to meet your needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is building your client’s trust and their loyalty. No maze of buttons to press or getting lost in the shuffle of departments. That “live person” is going to take accountability for the call. This eliminates any doubt if the message was received by the appropriate person and when will their problem be addressed.
Just recently, one of my customers called in to place a service call. She mentioned that she enjoyed talking with me and that it always puts her in a good mood for the day! She loved that our company did not have an automated service and how we are so timely solving her service needs. What a compliment! It also speaks volumes to our company beliefs of customer service and exceeding expectations.
At QDS, we believe strongly in this crucial element of customer service. I have been with our company over 25 years. I can honestly say that I look forward to talking with our customers and addressing their needs. Over the years, I have built close business relationships with my customers. They feel like family to me! What do I want when I call a business? I want it to be a positive and helpful experience. That is what I want for our customers at QDS. Remember those people that set up expectations for us? At QDS, we set our own rules. We know what our customers expect from us and we deliver.
One of the most common questions we get as we talk to clients about servicing their equipment is how many technicians we have in the area.This is a...
One of the issues we discuss regularly with clients and prospective clients is what hours of coverage they truly need. We try to help our clients...
A Blueprint for Becoming a Trusted Partner It seems that when companies tout their commitment to service, it comes across as more of a marketing...