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NCR Video ATMs: Why You Might Seek an Alternative

NCR Video ATMs: Why You Might Seek an Alternative


There is no denying the fact that NCR has made a name for itself by delivering video ATMs to drive-thru locations across the country. Founded on technology developed by Coastal FCU and uGenius, NCR has taken video teller to the next level. With installations at over 100 financial institutions, there is obvious success with this solution. But the ultimate question for you is, Does this make sense for my institution and is there something better out there?Our answer is, “Maybe.”

There are many pros to the NCR video ATM solution such as longer hours to serve customers with an "in person" teller interaction, reduced operating costs, centralized management of staff and efficient call center optimization. However, keep in mind that there are some cons which may lead you to look elsewhere for a solution.

NCR Video ATMs Negative: Dual-Entry System

Currently, nearly every installation in the country is running a dual entry off-line system. This means your teller has a software to control the ATM and a teller PC to enter transactions. So if your customer wants $100 from his or her account, the teller must make the ATM dispense the $100 and also make an entry into the core system to deduct the money from the account. This process can lead to longer transaction times and potential mistakes from keying errors.


View the ITM v. Self-Service Comparison

NCR Video ATMs Negative: Teller REQUIRED for Each Transaction

This is a big one. As most FIs are implementing technology to help them gain efficiency, is a teller interaction for every transaction really efficient? I would argue no. There has been a rise in assisted self-service devices which allow customers to complete their own transaction and only interact with a teller if they need or want to. For argument’s sake, let’s say that customers actually need to speak with a teller one-quarter of the time. What would happen to staffing levels if three-quarters of the transactions were done in self-service instead of requiring a teller? Most users want to feel comfortable and empowered, but they also want to know they can get help IF they need it.

Where is Your Problem?

The NCR Video ATM has been most successful in drive-thru implementations, helping extend personal hours or removing the need for a drive-thru teller. However, if your branch environment is really where you strive to make gains, then perhaps there is a better way. The MX-8800 Hybrid ATM from Nautilus Hyosung was introduced in recent months. The product, which has been successfully rolled out to around 1000 units at JP Morgan Chase, aims to solve the branch problem. This unit handles 80% of normal teller transactions and frees staff to consult and drive revenue. With the teller, or more importantly now, universal banker not having to count cash or process checks, he or she can focus on listening and referring customers to products which might help them achieve their financial goals. This model has led to huge cost reductions for Chase, while also seeing a 2X gain in revenue-generating services. Video is an option on this device, but only if the customer needs it. The customer can receive assistance locally at the branch or remotely via video, leaving the choice of how to best serve your customers up to you.


There are many technology strategies available in the industry, so both research and an open mind are necessary to truly help you get a good ROI. While NCR has been very successful with their model, I personally believe there are better solutions available to solve branch problems. Hopefully you agree.


Interested in more information on this topic? Check out Automation Avenue episode 6.

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